EasyLanguage Documents

An EasyLanguage document includes the EasyLanguage statements that make up the logic for all analysis techniques, strategies, and functions.

To create a new document file

  1. Use the File > New menu sequence from the TradeStation Development Environment menu bar or click on the toolbar to create a new EasyLanguage document.
  2. From the New list select the type of new document to create (Indicator, PaintBar, Function, Strategy, Pricing Model, etc.).
  3. The New [Document Type] dialog appears where you specify information about your document. The type of document you selected to create is displayed in the title bar.

The general steps for setting up each document type are the same, however, specific settings for a given type may be slightly different and will be indicated in the step description:

  1. In the Name box, enter a descriptive name. This is the name you'll use to open the document.
  2. For analysis techniques (Indicator, PaintBar, and ShowMe), you can enter an optional Short name .
  3. In the Notes box, enter any additional information about the document. This will appear in the Notes section of the Open file dialog.
  4. For analysis techniques (Indicator, PaintBar, and ShowMe), under Make available to the following windows , place a check mark next to each TradeStation analysis window where your document may be used. If unchecked, you will not see the analysis technique or strategy in the select list when applying to that type of window.
  5. The Select Template drop-down list lets you choose a template that adds EasyLanguage comments to your new document when it first appears in the editor. Select (None) to create a blank document with no comments.
  6. Click OK to create.

To open document files

  1. Use the File > Open menu sequence from the TradeStation Development Environment menu bar.
  2. From the Select Analysis Type drop-down list, choose the type of analysis technique to filter the list by. To view all types of analysis techniques, select All from the drop-down list.
  3. Select one or more files (use Ctrl-Click to select multiple files).
  4. Right-click on a selected file and choose Open from the drop-down menu.
  5. The selected document(s) will open in the EasyLanguage editor.

To delete document files

  1. Use the File > Open menu sequence from the TradeStation Development Environment menu bar.
  2. From the Select Analysis Type drop-down list, choose the type of analysis technique to filter the list by. To view all types of analysis techniques, select All from the drop-down list.
  3. Select one or more files (use Ctrl-Click to select multiple files).
  4. Right-click on a selected file and choose Remove from the drop-down menu.
  5. From the Confirm File Removal dialog, click Yes to delete the named file, Yes to all to delete all selected files, or No to skip deleting the named file, or Cancel to end the operation.

To rename document files

  1. Use the File > Open menu sequence from the TradeStation Development Environment menu bar.
  2. From the Select Analysis Type drop-down list, choose the type of analysis technique to filter the list by. To view all types of analysis techniques, select All from the drop-down list.
  3. Select one or more files (use Ctrl-Click to select multiple files).
  4. Right-click on a selected file and choose Rename from the drop-down menu.
  5. Type the new name in the edit box, then click Enter to save or Esc to cancel the operation.